With this project, the assigned brief required collaboration with a student on the Illustration course. For this, I decided to collaborate with Romany Cavalla (@romanycavalla on Instagram) in creating a new identity for a musician/album and responding to it visually. Through this collaboration process, we decided to respond to/visually recreate elements representing La Dispute's 2014 album 'Rooms Of The House'.

Above are my initial experiments in creating an album cover by using some of Romany's illustration work responding to specific songs from the album and then connecting it with composition and type.

Mockups of singles we specifically responded to from the album as single 7" records. We wanted to keep a cohesive identity in regards to composition and type to create a more conceptual and memorable design.

Mockup of Rooms Of The House album cover, using elements of family photos and muted colours to respond to the album's sound and lyrical content. On the back of the 12" record sleeve, there is a collaborative example of logo design from myself and Romany in designing a new logo for the band (La Dispute).